Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

The Scout Uniform

The Scout uniform gives the Scouts and Scouters a sense of belonging to a worldwide organization. The uniform of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines today, has become a national symbol of young boys trained to meet the responsibilities of their duty to GOD and Country, to Others, and to Self.
The Boy Scouts of the Philippines is the largest uniformed volunteer organization in the country. Scout and Scouters are nationally recognized and accepted. We, in Scouting today, have inherited the tradition  of a uniform that stands for good character, responsible citizenship, and selfless service. It is our responsibility to safeguard this tradition and to hand it down stronger and more honorable than ever to the next generation of Scouts and Scouters.

What the Uniform Means

First of all, the Uniform makes you feel that you are a member of our movement that you belong to a world-wide brotherhood of young people numbering millions. Everywhere you go, if you wear the Scout Uniform, you will find Scout friends. This gives you a feeling of comfort and ease.
Second, whenever and wherever you wear the Uniform, it proclaims you as a person of character. The Uniform symbolizes our Scout Oath, our Law, our  “Daily Good Turn” habit, and the Ideals of our Movement. If  you are to wear it, be sure to wear it with honor.
Third, the Scout Uniform stands for Preparedness. An accident occurs, a crowd gathers around. No one knows just what to do. A uniformed Scout steps quietly forward. The crowd lets him through, for he is supposed to know what to do in an emergency. He administers first aid and slips away, probably without his name being known. The Scout uniform quietly says that hero is a fellow who is ready to be “helpful to other people at all times.”
Why is it that Scouts are expected to do these things? Because “Service” is synonymous with Scouting. “Laging Handa” is Scout Motto . No matter what nationality or race or religion a Scout belongs to, he is a brother to every other Scout.
Fourth, the uniform is a symbol of democracy. In Scouting, young people stand shoulder to shoulder regardless of social standing. The son of a governor or that of a wealthy man becomes equal of a laborer’s son in Scouting. Both pledged to give the same service; both are sworn to the same Oath and Law; and wear the same uniform. Poverty or social position is no hindrance to the acquisition of advancement badges and insignia of labor.
And lastly, the Uniform stands for Outdoor life. The color and design of the shirt, the pants, the neckerchief, the stockings, the shoes, and the hat, are suggestive of the outdoors. Khaki blends beautifully with the color of the outdoors. The reddish brown color of th neckerchief symbolizes the iron rich soil of the Philippines and its tropical environment which remains a great challenge for Scouts to conquer, conserve and preserve. Comfortable short pants, the short-sleeved shirt, afford freedom of movement and ease of motion. It is just the type of uniform an outdoorsman will want to wear.
Furthermore, the many features of “open-ness” in the Uniform point to Scouts’ honesty and trustworthiness. The “shorts,” pants and the short-sleeved-shirt with collar personify the spirit of a true Scout – always open and on the level, ever honest and ever deserving of trust.

When to Wear the Uniform

There is ONLY ONE WAY TO WEAR the Scout Uniform – CORRECT WAY. Study the illustrations and use them as your guide.
The Scout Uniform is worn on the following occasions:
  1. In all activities of the Unit (meetings, hikes, camps, rallies, camporees, jamborees/jamborettes, etc.);
  2. During special religious services services for Scouts and Scouters;
  3. When appearing for advancement before a Board of Review or a Court of Honor; and
  4. When prescribed for official and/or special Scouting activities.

When NOT to Wear the Uniform

  1. When soliciting funds or engaged in any selling, marketing or promotional campaign, or in any commercial venture not related to Scouting (This does not however, forbid Scouts in uniform from selling tickets for Scouts benefit shows, rallies, and similar Scouting events);
  2. When engaged in any endeavor/activity of a political party;
  3. When appearing professionally on stage, in motion pictures, or modeling without specific authority from the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines;
  4. When taking part in parades, except for the purpose of rendering service as a Scout/er or when representing officially the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and;
  5. When one ceases to be a Scout/er through failure to register; or leaves the Scout Movement for any other reason.

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